F A Qs

There are dedicated pages for lots of things so please check those too - If you can't find an answer then ask us!
What are the festival's opening hours?
The festival arena opens at 5pm on Thursday and ends at 11pm on the Sunday . Music is played on stage from 5.30pm until 11pm on Thursday, and from 11am to 11pm on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Stage times are available from the Line-Up page. The Arena and Bars open about half an hour before the acts start. However, you can come onto the site before that - the Campsite and parking areas open from 11am on Thursday and closes at 10am on Monday.
What do you charge for car parking?
Nothing. Yes, nothing! Unlike many festivals who make money from your need to park, we think you're already paying to be there. However, as our car parking is controlled by volunteers, usually from local charities etc, if you would care to give them a donation for their hard work, they will be very grateful.
Will there be food available?
Yes, there will be food traders on site. There is no restriction on bringing your own food into the arena if you wish, however, we ask you to support these independent businesses if you can. You cannot have food delivered to the site - they will not be allowed past the security entrance.
I need to contact you but the festival has started. What should I do?
Once the festival is underway, we will have an on-site mobile number available for Festival Administration.
This will be for urgent messages (only). In the mean time should anything urgent arise please contact the Festival Director on 01353 749 749
I live nearby and I can hear the music and it's causing me a problem. What can I do?
This is something we take very seriously. All loud music will stop by 11pm each evening. We do our best to keep sound to a level agreed with the Council and we have people checking levels in the surrounding area throughout the event. Obviously they can't be everywhere at once and music, by it's very nature, varies, but if it's causing you a problem there will be 2 mobile numbers to call to raise the issue with the Festival Director. The numbers will be post here and elsewhere on the site just prior to the Festival
What is the policy for the use of cameras?
You may use cameras within the general arena as long as this is without any detriment to those who are there to enjoy the event. We do reserve the right to ask people to desist if their use is unreasonable and consistently blocking the view of other people. Basically - if you're sensible then all will be fine! We do have official photographers who can supply magazines, websites etc in relation to reviews of the event so contact us if you need those.
Are there any restrictions on which stage I can go to?
In principle no - your ticket gives access to the arena as a whole so you are welcome to see as many bands as you wish, on any of our stages. The only proviso is that on occasion it may be necessary to limit the numbers inside a marquee, to comply with our licencing regulations for health and safety reasons. Whilst we need to say that, in practice this is not something we've ever had to do!
Can I buy tickets on the day?
Yes, if there are any unsold, we will sell any remaining tickets on the gate until they’re sold out. Tickets on the gate will cost more than in advance. To avoid disappointment, we recommend that you buy your tickets in advance while they’re available.
Can we bring dogs to the festival?
Yes, as long as they are sociable! However they must be kept on a lead at all times and it is your responsibility to clean up after them. We allow all dogs, as long as they are on a lead, inside the marquees that house our three stages but they must stay at least 10m from the speaker stacks.
I don't like camping - what are the alternatives?
The first thing to say is that our campsite is right by the arena, not miles away like some festivals! It is also always clean and well looked after and there are showers and electric hook-ups available. But we know that not everyone likes camping, and many of our regular attendees stay at places nearby. There are a number of Guest Houses nearby, as well as Air BnB accommodation.
Please note we do not have any particular association with any accommodation provider.
Will I have to choose between bands?
The only way to completely avoid bands overlapping is, obviously, to only have one band at a time! We allow 30 minutes between sets for changeover, so that would mean reducing all sets to 30 minutes or having even longer changeovers.... and we don't think you would want us to do that. So put simply, yes that is possible but, and it's a big but, we have done everything we can to ensure that one or other main stage is operating virtually all the time and overlaps are minimised, so you should be able to see all or most of each of the bands you particularly want to see. The scheduling of bands started with this as an aim and we hope you will agree we've done as much as we can - we want to see them all too (that's the problem with the CRF having so many great bands).
Do you sell drinks other than beer, lager and cider?
Yes, you can also get wine and spirits too. Soft drinks and non alcoholic options are also always available.
Can we get taxis to and from the site?
Yes, there are a number of taxis listed in our shops, taxis etc section.
Is the campsite illuminated at night?
There is minimal lighting at night so as not to disturb sleep but still keep you. Depending on the moon cycle and weather Mother nature might provide you a little extra. Please do bring a camping light or torch if you think you might need one though.
Can we bring pushchairs or camping chairs?
Yes, though anything that anyone brings is at their own risk. Camping chair placement will need to be regulated to comply with Fire regulations. Please be understanding of this if a steward asks you to relocate your chairs.
Do we have to stay inside where the music is, or can we listen from outside?
You can go anywhere within our arena at any time. You may not go into or through the camping area reserved for staff without having a special CRF wristband. You'll know if you have one.
Will caravans, motorhomes and tents all use the same camping area?
Yes although they may need to be allocated a particular section within that area. If you have pre-booked an electrical hook-up, you will be shown to an area where you can access it. Electrical Hook-ups have to be pre-wired professionally to specific locations. Only those that have pre-booked hook-ups will be allowed to set up in that area. There may be hook-ups available when you arrive but this is rare so please do book should you need one.