
Volunteer for the C.R.F.
The CRF survives largely because of the dedication of our unpaid red-shirted volunteers, many of whom come back year after year to help at both the festival and interim “support” events. Whilst technically a business, the festival is run with the aim of providing great music to those who love it, not to make money – you won’t see a heavy commercial presence. But to cover the costs of the festival infrastructure (PA, lights, stages, marquees, site, licences, power supplies, security, our award winning toilets, and much more) we have to keep our costs as low as possible, and that’s where the volunteers come in…
In particular we need stewards to work alongside our professional security team, for which we offer full briefing sessions. We typically ask volunteers to cover one 4 hour shift per day over a minimum of 2 days (although we like you to be on call at other times just in case we need extra help).
However we also need people with other specific but quite varied skills; some volunteers help with cooking or brewing up a cuppa or two backstage, others may be electricians (especially for PAT testing), plumbers, first aid etc. Do just think about all things we have to do (some are mentioned above!) and let us know if you have skills you can offer to us.
Free weekend passes!
Volunteers get festival passes and free camping! If you need a hook-up, ask for the discount code before you book it. Another great reason to sign-up to help at the CRF!
How to apply
If you’ve volunteered before then we will keep your details on file and will be calling on your services again (unless you ask us not to, of course) – many do and great friendships have been forged, and fun had, by our volunteer team.
To join them, complete and send the application form below, making sure to answer the last two questions with a positive response - we can't accept you if we can't store your details or message you, and we ask you to confirm this is acceptable.
You can find our full privacy policy here:
Then click Send at the bottom and you will get a message saying your application has been sent, and received a copy of your application by email (if you don't, do check your spam folder!). We will check through and get back to you by email. If all is well, we'll ask you to send a photograph - details will be provided.
Alternatively call us for a paper version on 01353-749749:
Thank you again, to all of our volunteers, past, present and future!